Including a summary of what was covered in the Webinar and links to relevant resources (including the software, videos, tip-sheets and workbooks) for building logic models and theories of change. #Evaluation2009 #EvaluationUse #HowTo #visualization #SystemsinEvaluation #Logic #IndependentConsulting #software #Change #ProgramTheoryandTheoryDrivenEvaluation #program #of #TeachingofEvaluation #models #theory #TheoriesofEvaluation #IntegratingTechnologyintoEvaluation #Research,Technology,andDevelopmentEval
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This session shows how workshops and interviews can be used alongside other techniques to develop a program theory that incorporates a range of value perspectives
AEA 2011 final.pptx
#SystemsinEvaluation #ProgramDesign #EvaluationUse #formativeevaluation #innovation #STEM #STEMEducationandTraining #studentengagement #theory
PAC-Involved Evaluation handout AEA2015.pdf
Based on theoretical considerations and an analysis of the standards' underlying assumptions, a conceptual framework is proposed which outlines such mechanisms on individual and evaluation policy levels. This action theory aims to guide evaluation policy in further promoting the standards’ application and utility
Hense - PES model v6_web1.pdf
Then, we'll examine how to improve logic models using some fundamental principles of "program theory", demonstrate how to use logic models effectively to help frame questions in program evaluation, and show some ways logic models can also inform strategic planning
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See matching library entry files - CID=281 � Rogers et al. Program Theory...
#studentengagement #STEM #formativeevaluation #EvaluationUse #theory #ProgramDesign #innovation
poster new model.pdf
This session demonstrates how a diagnostic tool, known as evaluability assessment (EA), can be leveraged to capture the conceptualization and logical structure (aka: program theory) embedded within academic programs
Demo Session 317_10 25 2012 Evaluability Assessment.pptx
Additionally, the evaluation allowed for the construction of a logic model that represented the stakeholder's perceptions of how the program operated to address the needs of stakeholders, and matched with a humanistic theory of the program. This evaluation approach differed from the more traditional experimental approaches used in science to service studies of SBMH research and evaluation
2 attachments
See matching library entry files - Stake (2004), “Program evaluation is usually a c...
Through the transfer of knowledge between CCT Members and Secondary Stokers and subsequently from these Secondary Stokers to the broader community (Tertiary Stokers) community capacity is being built. Theories and tools from Social Network Analysis (SNA) serve to visualize the many vehicles and routes taken in building this community capacity
Ignite presentation slides Bernadette Wright, Ladel Lewis, Steven E. Wallis, and Izolda Fotiyeva. A Two-Phase, Mixed Methods Approach to Evaluating and Improving an Innovative Program Model: The PAC-Involved Evaluation. Ignite Presentation, STEM Education and Training track. Evaluation 2015 ...
A Two-Phase, Mixed Methods Approach to Evaluating.pdf