In the poster, the authors compares the educational policies at the recent turn of century of China and America and the trends in assessment and evaluation generated in respective policy contexts, challenges unique and shared. And point out the dilemma in educational evaluation facing both...
Evaluators entering the world of Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) institutes are often struck by the complexity of evaluating these institutions. Each CTSA encompasses several cores, or research service providers (i.e., drug discovery and development, biomedical informatics, or...
FINAL Poster_10_4_13.pdf
Citation: Kiernan, Nancy Ellen (2002). How can I make sure my video, radio clip, poster, brochure, or website will have an IMPACT on the target audience? Tipsheet #63, University Park, PA: Penn State Cooperative Extension. This document is part of a series of Tipsheets that contain practical...
Tipsheet 63.pdf