Materials from the presentation "Taking the Measure of 'Role' And 'Contribution': A Mixed Methods Approach to Policy Evaluation." From the AEA 2011 session: Methods in Evaluating Advocacy Efforts: Grantmakers' Perspectives. Includes both the powerpoint slides and the diagram of the six-step policy process that we used as a framework for our internal policy evaluation. #role #grantmakers #advocacyevaluation #policyevaluation #AdvocacyandPolicyChange #2011Conference #contribution #HowTo
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As a result, policies and governance documents are adopted and implemented in typical evaluation contexts, including health, education and human services. These written policies can be a valuable source of data when evaluating large-scale initiatives or assessing complex programs; however, policy assessment is a useful tool often overlooked in evaluation. Using a statewide anti-bullying initiative as an example, this interactive session will center around three key steps for evaluating written policies
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As Consultant to the Evaluation Policy Task Force (EPTF), Mr
EPTF Update for 2011 AEA Conference.ppt
This session will explain how the public policy process works. It will guide evaluators through the maze of policy processes, such as legislation, regulations, administrative procedures, budgets, re-organizations, and goal setting. It will provide practical advice on how evaluators can become public policy players--how they can get their evaluations noticed and used in the public arena #HowTo #2012Conference #2013Conference #Publicpolicy #2011Conference #policy
How to Influence Policy 10-10-13.pptx
This is the lead article in "Evaluation South Asia," the first professional evaluaiton journal for all countries in South Asia, published in 2008. The article lays out a general struction for developing evaluation as a viable professional field and funciton for the betterment of national policies within South Asia. #public #Asia #DiversityandInclusion #policy #Communications #Communications #South #evaluation #GovernmentEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #program
Pilars of Public Program Evaluation.pdf
Review of charter school evaluation practice in three areas: (1) large-scale policy evaluation, (2) high-stakes (renewal) evaluation, and (3) evaluation for program improvement. Addresses current trends and diffculties, as well as opportunities for the future. #policy #evaluation #2009Conference #Evaluation2009 #formative #renewal #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation
Review of charter school evaluation practice.pdf
Abstract: Evaluators are increasingly being asked to examine complex and dynamic social and environmental change initiatives that call for equally dynamic approaches to evaluation. Developmental evaluation offers new ways to think about and approach evaluation to support and accommodate emergent, innovative and transformative processes that often define social change initiatives. Yet, many evaluators are unfamiliar with how to apply developmental evaluation approaches in real-world settings. This session will illustrate in practical terms how developmental evaluation was applied to the Convergence Partnership, an innovative group of national funders working to improve the places where people live so that everyone can be healthy. Evaluators attending this session will learn how developmental evaluation was applied to planning, data collection, analysis, reporting, and use of findings
Evaluation of a K-12 school district 100% tobacco-free policy initiative with link to scoring rubric
Framing Designing and Conducting Health Policy Evaluation_Capesius_AEA Oct162013_TCapesius.pdf
The purpose of this research was to evaluate effectiveness, efficiency and result of management and performance in national policies and strategies for child development by mixed methods evaluation. The evaluation results showed that: context-provincial officers ran the operation as general work, not mission emerged from the strategies; input-the plan was standardized target groups, and its budget was adequately allocated; process-the plans were appropriate and effective, and monitoring and quality assessment were run; effectiveness-the percentage of target group children did not go down as planned; impact-the plan officers concentrated on target group children’s behavior, not skill or proficiency improvement; sustainability-the society needed planned operations and offered help and support for cooperation; transportability-the central national strategies and plans could not operated effectively, so each province was supposed to run its own plans and strategies with supports from the center
See matching library entry files - The purpose of this research was to eval...
Based on recent work with the Youth Sexuality, Reproductive Health and Rights Initiative at Ford Foundation, this session will explore a framework for thinking about the different outcomes associated with digital and social media advocacy and mobilization strategies at the campaign, program, and organizational levels, as well as relevant evaluation tools and processes. In breakout groups, participants will discuss a) processes for defining and prioritizing outcomes associated with digital and social media strategies and b) best practices for combining online analytics with traditional evaluation methods to engage in strategic learning around advocacy and policy change goals
AEA2014_Evaluating Digital and Social Media Strategies to Advance Policy and Systems Change_Public.pdf