This session, presented by AEA's representative to IOCE and EvalPartners (Mike Hendricks), AEA's president for 2017 (Kathryn Newcomer), and AEA's Executive Director (Denise Roosendaal), describes the 13 actions AEA is taking to support the brand-new Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020. #IWG ...
Eval16, 2016 Conference #MultiethnicIssuesinEvaluation #Eval16 #culture #2016Conference #internationalevaluation
AEA Annual Meeting 2016 Cultural Competency.pdf
Poverty Measurement and Evaluation Practice in Mexico #GovernmentEvaluation #2013Conference #internationalevaluation #Mexico #IndependentConsulting #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #povertymeasurement
AEA 2013 Conference Paper Arturo Fuentes.pdf
This entry contains slides from Holly Karakos's presentation at the 2013 AEA Meeting. The presentation highlights a rapid ethnographic assessment conducted in a community in Cape Town, South Africa to consider the issue of high school drop out. The presentation highlights the approach to the...
Karakos Presentation.pptx
This paper summarizes key points from Abt Associates' evaluation of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program (IRFP). The program supports early career U.S. scientists and engineers to spend 9 to 24 months pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship...
AEA Govt NSF International Fellowships_uploaded.pdf
A 2010 study on TORs and RFPs issued by international development organizations found that rigid evaluation terms of reference (TORs) or requests for proposals (RFP) limit evaluatorsโ ability to determine (i) the best approach and methodology for given evaluation problem and (ii) the most...
Custom and norms reflect what we value. This presentations provides an international comparison of evaluation ethical challenges identified by evaluation communities in Canada, United States and Australia. While the dialogue around evaluation ethical challenges has been quieter in Canada, the...
AEA conference Evaluation Ethics Nov 5 2011 v62.pdf
PowerPoint slides for AEA 2011 Think Tank session on evaluation follow-up from presenters Osvaldo Feinstein, Bidjan Nashat, Mike Hendricks. Session abstract: "This Think Tank will examine key challenges and lessons for international, humanitarian and development, organizations in evaluation...
AEA Evaluation Follow-up Think Tank - 2011.ppt
Since the 1970s, Travel Health Alert Notices (T-HANs) have been used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide health alerts to international travelers arriving at U.S. ports of entry. More recently, T-HANs have been distributed to travelers arriving from countries where...
227860_McWhorter_AEA poster_Final.pdf
A slide show to present the Heifer Impact Evaluation Model, lessons learned from its application in the past five years, and a reflection about its relevance to the field of international development as an alternative to experimental designs.Heifer International has reached millions of families...
Chianca - Heifer Impact Eval.pdf
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