PowerPoint slides for AEA 2011 Think Tank session on evaluation follow-up from presenters Osvaldo Feinstein, Bidjan Nashat, Mike Hendricks. Session abstract: "This Think Tank will examine key challenges and lessons for international, humanitarian and development, organizations in evaluation follow-up. The utility of evaluations is widely recognized as a fundamental standard of quality evaluations, and evaluations are premised on their potential contribution to organizational effectiveness and learning. But in the real world, this is not always easy to achieve – many of us know of evaluation reports that collect dust on the shelf or are forgotten in the computer archive. How can evaluations be better planned, conducted, and reported upon to improve their follow-up, and ultimately increase their utility? How can organizations better design and employ processes and protocol for evaluation follow-up, such as management response and action planning? These will be the guiding question of this Think Tank. It will draw upon reflections from a study commissioned by the United Nations Evaluation Group, as well as input from other participating members working with international organizations."#international #EvaluationFollowup #utilization #utilisation #2011Conference #EvaluationUse #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval