Theory of Change Analysis (ToC analysis) is a key instrument for verification of a project logic and assessment of project results. It is a crucial element of evaluation required by multilateral agencies and international organizations, for instance, UNEP, UNDP, and WWF The trainers use a...
AIMS presentation_AEA 2016_final.pptx
It's subtle, but can you see the difference between these two evaluation questions? "What are the top needs of our stakeholders?" and "What are the best opportunities for our program?" The first calls for a traditional needs assessment. The second is what I call a "Needs Assessment Plus," which...
SWOT AEA presentation.pptx
#InternalEvaluation #capacity-building #HealthEvaluation #2014Conference #CDCEvaluationFramework #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #GovernmentEvaluation #HowTo
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Participants will: 1) Learn about culturally responsive indigenous evaluation (CRIE) and the major theories, research, and policies informing it 2) Become aware of the multiple contexts of CRIE 3) Learn about CRIE skills and competencies 4) Discuss practical applications of CRIE using case...
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Developed by the DEVISE (Developing, Validating, and Implementing Situated Evaluations) team as part of a 3-yearNSF grant to build evaluation capacity in citizen science programs. Presentation Abstract: Projects that engage the public in scientific research, (often referred to as “citizen...
Handouts and notes from Think Tank exploring challenges and promising practices associated with evaluating programs that are either considering or undertaking scale-up into new geographic regions or contexts. Participants in this session will explore challenges and promising practices associated...
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This paper provides a case study of the use of the Cynefin framework in evaluation planning. The Cynefin framework is a systems thinking tool that can be used to describe evaluation situations. The framework describes four types of dynamics and corresponding types of inquiry. The paper...
Cynefin Case Example aea2010.pdf
This is a presentation given by Vinod Thomas, Director-General of the World Bank Group's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), at the American Evaluation Association's 2009 Annual Conference. It addresses evaluation to improve results, evaluation principles and challenges, evaluation and...