Developed by the DEVISE (Developing, Validating, and Implementing Situated Evaluations) team as part of a 3-yearNSF grant to build evaluation capacity in citizen science programs. Presentation Abstract: Projects that engage the public in scientific research, (often referred to as “citizen science”) have grown and expanded in the last 20 years. Yet, tools to effectively measure learning outcomes from participation are all but non-existent. Additionally, there is increasing pressure to have generalizable tools available to conduct cross-programmatic analyses that can inform what activities have the greatest outcomes across programs. Here we describe a framework for measuring common learning outcomes across citizen science projects and the validation efforts that went into their development. The framework includes six major constructs which comprise common outcomes across diverse projects and include: Interest in science, motivation to participate, knowledge of the nature of science, skills of science inquiry, environmental stewardship behaviors, and science identity. We will describe the varied ways that these concepts were developed and tested and the strategies used to make them contextually appropriate to informal learning environments and diverse communities.#2012Conference #EvaluationUse #framework #Instruments #ResearchonEvaluation #InformalScienceEducation #evaluationcapacitybuilding #EnvironmentalProgramEvaluation