Using appreciative inquiry in conducting an evaluability assessment, we focused on the strengths and success of the Institutional Research and Analytics (IR & A) at Southern Illinois University. Our challenge was to assess OIR & A and design an evaluation which would inform the office on how...
AEA 2016 EA Presentation - T. Grayson.pptx
In her 2007 presidential address to AEA, Hallie Preskill asked, "how do we build the capacity of individuals, teams, and organizations to think evaluatively and engage in evaluation practice?" Evaluative thinking (ET) is mentioned with increasing frequency in the evaluation literature-...
Archibald & Buckley_AEA2013_ET.pdf
Is evaluation used in the public sector? Realization of vision-and-values-driven social innovation (Patton, 2010) typifies the ideal of the public sector - the democratic governments of today. Public sector work in the 21st Century means adaptation and innovation as the norm in providing...
AEA 2013 Oct 18 Panel Session 442 The role of evaluators in infusing evaluative thinking .pdf
"Not a Member of the Project Core Team? But We Need Your Evaluative Feedback!" This is a presentation (#602) at the AEA 2013 27th Annual Conference in Washington, DC. The presenters are sharing their experiences about how evaluative thinking became a way of life for the Greater Cincinnati STEM...
ICE_AEA2013_GCSC & Evaluative Thinking2.pdf
In our experience, it is still common to see ‘evaluations’ whose conclusions are simply non-evaluative descriptions of changes resulting from an intervention. There’s nothing explicit about, for example, the quality of the service provided, the value of the outcomes, the relative importance of...
AEA Biting the evaluative bullet (Michael, Jane Syd) 2012 v3.pdf
This presentation by Jane Buckley and Thomas Archibald was part of a multipaper session entitled, "Overcoming Organization Culture to Adopt Evaluation Capacity Building," held on Thursday 10/25 at AEA 2012. When you do an evaluation for someone, she has an evaluation report. When you teach...
Buckley & Archibald_Teaching and Promoting ET_AEA 2012.pdf
Presentation Abstract: International development projects operate within a complex ecology; not only do projects have multiple stakeholders, accountabilities and bottom lines, often times they operate in environments that are physically and bureaucratically challenging. To be successful projects...
AEA 2012_final.pptx
Internal evaluators in the public sector infusing evaluative thinking through connecting the dots through team relationships and using program theory as a tool for developmental evaluation to utilize evaluation. Presentation Abstract: The core element of the Ontario’s education strategy,...
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Presentation provides overview of the session, the process for 'Thinking Evaluatively' and the steps involved. The problem of childhood obestiy is used to demonstrate use of the tools, including stakeholder analysis and action oriented strategy mapping. #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation ...
2012 10 25 AEA Thinking to Acting Evaluatively Presentation to Post on AEA.pdf
Evaluation capacity building (ECB) focuses on facilitating the development of individual and organizational competencies and structures—such as evaluation knowledge and an organizational culture of evaluation—that promote sustained, high quality evaluation. Evaluative thinking is also mentioned...
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