In her 2007 presidential address to AEA, Hallie Preskill asked, "how do we build the capacity of individuals, teams, and organizations to think evaluatively and engage in evaluation practice?" Evaluative thinking (ET) is mentioned with increasing frequency in the evaluation literature--especially in the evaluation capacity building (ECB) literature--but often only fleetingly. It remains an elusive, under-explicated construct. In an attempt to remedy this, we have worked at defining, operationalizing, and measuring the construct. In this workshop, we help participants better understand evaluative thinking in relation to their own context, and respond to Preskill's "how" question by presenting tangible activities that we believe promote ET among individuals and organizations. These active, "hands-on" learning opportunities will help participants internalize ET concepts and will also equip them with teaching tools they can use in their own ECB and evaluation contexts.#EvaluativeThinking #evaluationcapacitybuilding #criticalthinking