Evaluation questions identify what aspects of a program will be investigated. They focus on the merit, worth, or significance of a program or particular aspects of a program. Unlike survey questions, they are not intended to derive single data points. Evaluation questions help to define the boundaries of an evaluation that are consistent with stakeholder information needs, opportunities and constraints related to data collection, and available resources. The purpose of this checklist is to aid in developing effective and appropriate evaluation questions and in assessing the quality of existing questions. It identifies characteristics of good evaluation questions, based on the relevant literature and our own experience with evaluation design, implementation, and use
This checklist is a tool to help ensure that the evaluation questions we create will be useful, relevant, and feasible. In keeping with the new accountability standard, it also provides a format for documenting our decisions when selecting evaluation questions. Drawing from an extensive literature search, the checklist was created by evaluators in CDC's National Asthma Control Program with helpful input from members of the OL-ECB TIG, the Atlanta-area Evaluation Association, and the CDC Chronic Evaluators Network, as well as from participants in an AEA roundtable (2012) and a demonstration (2014)
Assessing Evaluation Question Checklist cleared.docx
A Practical Guide for Engaging Stakeholders in Developing Evaluation Questions by Dr. Hallie Preskill and Nathalie Jones, published in 2009 by FSG, provides the context for this demonstration
Engaging Stakeholders.pdf
An evaluation’s findings may be more relevant, credible, and useful when a wide range of stakeholders are involved in developing its guiding questions. In this practical guide, FSG notes that soliciting input from stakeholders early in the evaluation design process addresses specific stakeholder interests for improving program effectiveness, influencing policy decisions, and instituting behavioral and organizational change. The guide describes a five-step process for engaging stakeholders in developing evaluation questions, and includes four worksheets to facilitate the planning and implementation of a stakeholder engagement process. #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #evaluation #Questions #HowTo #stakeholders #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #EvaluationUse
Citation: Kiernan, Nancy Ellen (2001). Questions for Evaluating a Conference: Tipsheet #39, University Park, PA: Penn State Cooperative Extension
Tipsheet 39.pdf
Increasing the Usefulness of Conference Questions: Tipsheet #24, University Park, PA: Penn State Cooperative Extension
Tipsheet 24.pdf
Panel 272 - Mainstreaming Evaluation in Diverse Organizational Contexts, Paper #4 - Working Backwards: Using the Evaluation Report to Write Evaluation Questions This paper traces the development of an evaluation framework for the U.S
Working Backwards Using the Evaluation Report to Write Evaluation Questions.ppt
Or one that didn't actually answer any useful questions of key importance to decision makers? What if evaluations actually asked evaluative questions and gave clear, evaluative answers? Some practical ideas and suggestions from an Evaluation 09 demonstration session by Jane Davidson (session #339). http://RealEvaluation.com #nuts-and-bolts #decision-making #real-world #EvaluationManagersandSupervisors #Evaluation2009 #utilization #2009Conference #Questions #EvaluationUse #answers #evaluative
Actionable answers AEA 2009.pdf
Evaluators have long been encouraged to take into account what stakeholders believe to be important when determining evaluation questions and standards
Stakeholder Values_LaChausse_AEA 2011.pdf
To answer these challenges in M&E a local based system that combines Theory of change approach, use of M&E questions rather than indicators and a learning/action-research approach has been recently developed
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See matching library entry files - The M&E questions are developed for the mains ex...