Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy (LLS) is a 23 countries International Union for Conservation of the Nature (IUCN) initiative funded by the Netherland Government. It is oriented to generate lessons from local initiatives to influence the national and local policies regarding real and meaningful change in the lives of rural poor, enhance long-term and equitable conservation of biodiversity and ensure the sustainable supply of forest-related goods and services. Its approach is to build a partnership with local stakeholders and communities to add value to on-going activities. It is outcome-oriented. To answer these challenges in M&E a local based system that combines Theory of change approach, use of M&E questions rather than indicators and a learning/action-research approach has been recently developed. We will present here lessons from various countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America #ProgramTheoryandTheoryDrivenEvaluation #Evaluation2009 #HowTo #EvaluationUse #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #TheoriesofEvaluation #2009Conference #Instruments #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding