Evaluators have long been encouraged to take into account what stakeholders believe to be important when determining evaluation questions and standards. Many approaches to program evaluation emphasize the importance of consulting stakeholders but fail to articulate how one should incorporate the values of stakeholders in determining the evaluation's focus. Although evaluation conclusions are often based on the analysis of data or other evidence, they are often interpreted through the values of stakeholders. The use of stakeholder interviews and checklists can be useful in helping to determine evaluation questions and to increase evaluation use. An innovative approach to identifying stakeholder values and selecting evaluation questions will be presented. This paper will increase participants' competencies in determining evaluation questions and standards while fostering partnerships with diverse stakeholders when evaluating health programs. An example from a health promotion program for an ethnically diverse population will be used to illustrate these concepts and methods. #prevention #Questions #HealthEvaluation #2011Conference #Objectives #health #programevaluation