Multipaper Session 641: When a Triangle Becomes a Three-Sided Square: Measuring Students' Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Interest and Learning through Data Triangulation Although triangulation or the use of multiple methods is widely considered to be good practice in evaluation, there is relatively little guidance in the evaluation literature about how to design a multi-method evaluation to triangulate data appropriately, or how to interpret incongruent findings. Measuring whether and how students' interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) changes in response to program interventions can be particularly challenging, and triangulation is one approach to try improve the confidence and consistency of findings
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See matching library entry files - Triangulation STEM interest...The ...
One-page handout about Meaningful Evidence's evaluation of the Howard University PAC-Involved project, a STEM Education Topical Interest Group Exemplar Evaluation for the American Evaluation Association 2015 Conference (Chicago, November 2015)
PAC-Involved Evaluation handout AEA2015.pdf
One of the challenges for evaluators has been measuring subtle shifts in girls' interest in STEM and related careers. We found that staff who work with the girls daily saw more interest in STEM than we picked up via surveys and interviews
Gorges_Measuring Subtle Shifts_AEA 2009_public.pdf
Women are significantly underrepresented in IT education paths and careers and many programs aim to increase girls’ interest to address this disparity
Promising Practices for Engaging Girls in IT.pdf
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This begs a number of questions: How can we bridge the divide between the sustained interest in and actual application of CA?
Making Contribution Analysis Work_upload1.pptx
Do Requests for Expressions of Interest and question and answer processes improve the quality of evaluation Requests for Proposals (RFPs)?
1. Evaluation Contracting.pptx
This session will be of interest to anyone trying to build capacity in evaluative thinking and evaluative practices in organizations or across a sector
AEA EQA 13 Nov 09 final.pdf
Project leaders who benefited the most were individuals with an intrinsic interest in evaluation, a commitment to learning, and an active project
Stephenson Barker AEA 2011 Presentation.pdf
The Appalachian Information Technology Extension Service (AITES) project's overarching goal is to increase girls' interest in jobs requiring information technology (IT) skills through the development of community capacity
See matching library entry files - [image: ] ( Appalachian Information Technology E...
As well as evaluators nationally that identified a concern with diversity issues in evaluation through membership with American Evaluation Association topical interest groups. We employed a standard concept mapping methodology where participants were asked to generate statements about behaviors and attitudes toward diversity in evaluation and program planning
ADPIE PosterAEA2009.pptx