Three possible reasons: (1) Evaluation anxiety: avoiding the war zone
AEA Biting the evaluative bullet (Michael, Jane Syd) 2012 v3.pdf
Paper from the presentation about "Three Keys to Fusing STEAM Education: Digital Multimedia, Design Tools, and Computer-based Adaptive Multimedia" by Daniel Tillman, Song An, Meilan Zhang, and Rachel Boren. #designtools #digitalmultimedia #computerbasedadaptiveevaluation ...
AEA2014 Paper.docx
Introduction to the evaluative organization concept and the differences between a learning organization and an evaluative organization. Presented by Dr. Wes Martz in Session 530. Paper available on request. #2009Conference #Evaluation2009 #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding ...
PowerPoint slides for AEA 2011 Think Tank session on evaluation follow-up from presenters Osvaldo Feinstein, Bidjan Nashat, Mike Hendricks. Session abstract: "This Think Tank will examine key challenges and lessons for international, humanitarian and development, organizations in evaluation...
AEA Evaluation Follow-up Think Tank - 2011.ppt
This document includes notes from the flipchart pages developed by attendees during this session and provides a rich list of criteria for successful use of six different strategies for building evaluation capacity. #capacity #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #HowTo ...
Flipchart Notes from Round Robin Activity 111209.doc
This paper provides a case study of the use of the Cynefin framework in evaluation planning. The Cynefin framework is a systems thinking tool that can be used to describe evaluation situations. The framework describes four types of dynamics and corresponding types of inquiry. The paper...
Cynefin Case Example aea2010.pdf
#2009Conference #SpecialNeedsPopulations #adolescent-parenting-programs #evaluation-settings #HumanServicesEvaluation #Evaluation2009 #context
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See matching library entry files - Case managers administer measures to interventio...
What happens when an entire sector is required to shift from a compliance/audit model of quality assurance to an evaluative one, one that asks and answers explicitly evaluative questions about the value of outcomes and key contributing processes? Is it possible to build an evaluative culture...
AEA EQA 13 Nov 09 final.pdf
Comparison of Latent Longitudinal Models (LLM-Gollob) and nonrecursive SEM modeling applied to stress and alcohol use among adolescents. How to infer direction of causality when data does not have enough time points (e.g. cross-sectional data, or 2 wave only for mediation models, or 3 wave only...
Overview of developing and validating evaluation checklists presented by Wes Martz, Nadini Persaud, and Daniela Schroeter. Session 423 GS&NE business meeting presentation. #GraduateStudentandNewEvaluators #EvaluationUse #validatingchecklists #checklists #Evaluation2009 ...
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