Handouts for this Coffee Break Webinar are attached and publicly downloadable
AEA data viz 2011-01-101.pptx
Webinar Description: Looking for ways to visualize your evaluation data? The ManyEyes data visualization website may be just the tool for you!
1 Comment - The members only screencast and recording of the Coffee Break Webinar she did on Using Many Eyes for Data Visualization may be accessed here http://bit.ly/goodyearweb but you will need to log in using your AEA username and password
Which criteria should be used to select higher performing schools? The assessment of statistical significance helps researchers summarize the evidence against a null hypothesis. However, it is not always a simple task to discern the true meaning or value of the results of null hypothesis...
5 attachments
See matching library entry files - Which criteria should be used to select higher-p...
In this session presenters will share approaches and examples of how to incorporate innovative data and information visualization techniques throughout each stage of the evaluation life cycle to support participatory evaluation and build evaluation capacity
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
โTellingโ evaluation stories visually can be a powerful way of communicating findings with stakeholders
4 attachments
See matching library entry files - David Fetterman Fetterman & Associates Art or Sc...
1 Comment - Citations for infographics: Quit By the Time You're: see Jha et al New England Journal of Medicine, 2013
Tired of using the same old pie charts, bar charts, and line charts in Excel to communicate your evaluation results? Don't have expensive data visualization software?
Emery R is hotter than ever in the evaluation field as evaluators are looking for ways to improve their data management, analysis, and visualizations. First-time R users are asking themselves, Is R right for my evaluation work?
This demonstration will provide: 1) a historical overview of the evolution of the dashboard; 2) strengths and limitations of the dashboard as a communication, monitoring, and self-evaluation tool; 3) key dashboard and metric design principles and practices; and 4) real-world examples of dashboards using different software packages. Participants will leave the demonstration with a clear understanding of appropriate dashboard applications, how this technology tool can be used to tap into the tremendous power of visual perception to communicate, and vetted resources for putting dashboards to work for their stakeholders
2 attachments
See matching library entry files - The idea is the dashboard will open a door to an...
Materials for the data graph workshop #Research,Technology,andDevelopmentEval #excellent #HowTo #Graphs #visualization #Evaluation2009 #2009Conference #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign #HealthEvaluation #EvaluationUse #Data