The Latin American Youth Center (LAYC), a multi-service nonprofit in Washington, D.C., is an example of a nonprofit that has been working to achieve this culture change. One of the organization's internal evaluators shared: 1) How our roles have changed to respond to the organization’s evolving needs, 2) Our strategies for producing relevant information for all stakeholders, from funders to the Board of Directors to the program recipients themselves, and 3) Our methods of building evaluation capacity so that we’re partnering with program staff through the evaluation lifecycle rather than making decisions on their behalf
These are the slides from an AEA 2015 presentation. #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #2015Conference #cultureofassessment #AssessmentinHigherEducation
Walser HE ECB AEA2015 FINAL.pdf
#culture #2014Conference #eval14 #GraduateStudentandNewEvaluators #QualitativeMethods
Child Labor.pdf
However, internal systems often need to be built and maintained to ensure that evaluation information is used to address stakeholder reporting needs and to promote organizational learning. The panelists are each responsible for implementing such systems. The panelists will present the lessons they have learned from engaging in this work. The goal of the panel is to provide a range of strategies, tools, processes and political savvy that evaluators can use to build and maintain systems designed to promote internal and external evaluation use
AEA_2011.11.02_Promoting Eval Use Joint Presentation_FINAL.pptx
PowerPoint from NEA presentation at Eval13 #ArtsCultureandAudiencesTIG #Eval2013
AEA Presentation3.pptx
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The world's second largest economy, China, is also home to the second most number of billionaires. Only the U.S. has more. China's miraculous growth in wealth in recent decades has not only lifted millions out of poverty, but it has also led to the growth of the ultra-wealthy and consequently, the growth of the charitable sector. While nascent, the sector has been evolving its identity and infrastructure, including the development of monitoring and evaluation practices
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See matching library entry files - Encourage officials of good wil...
The study was conducted across nine cities and 31 urban, public schools, using data from an additional 157 schools to examine outcomes and quality of implementation. Researchers analyzed data from multiple sources, including school records on suspensions, detentions, and office referrals; student self-reported prosocial behaviors; ratings of student social-emotional skills; stakeholder surveys (teachers, principals/liaisons, students, program staff); and rich case observations. The study leveraged the unique strengths of an external evaluator in combination with the non-profit’s internal evaluation team and program designers. Different disciplines informed the study design, including ethnography, developmental psychology, educational research, and data analysis methods grounded in statistical theory. The results of this evaluation were highly useful in refining the program design, metrics, and quality of implementation to support positive student outcomes
AEA slides_BCCI_FINAL (AEA Library Post).pptx
What happens when an entire sector is required to shift from a compliance/audit model of quality assurance to an evaluative one, one that asks and answers explicitly evaluative questions about the value of outcomes and key contributing processes?
AEA EQA 13 Nov 09 final.pdf
Session Description: This skill-building session addresses the centrality of culture in evaluation
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See matching library entry files - Session13: Strengthening Evaluation – Kirkhart/H...