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Eval 13: Session 922 - Towards Measuring the Social Impact of Nonprofits and Philanthropies in China 

10-29-2013 11:27

The world's second largest economy, China, is also home to the second most number of billionaires. Only the U.S. has more. China's miraculous growth in wealth in recent decades has not only lifted millions out of poverty, but it has also led to the growth of the ultra-wealthy and consequently, the growth of the charitable sector. While nascent, the sector has been evolving its identity and infrastructure, including the development of monitoring and evaluation practices. Both government and industry self-imposed controls are shaping the way evaluation will be conducted. This session explores current trends among philanthropic and non-governmental organizations in China, the role of evaluation in their effectiveness, and the priority needs for developing the sector's capacity for evaluation. AEA conference attendees interested in the development of evaluation internationally, in the emergence of non-governmental organizations and philanthropies in Asia, and in cultural competency will find this session engaging and informative.

#DiversityandInclusion #charity #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #legal #civilsociety #culturalcompetency #China #EvaluationPolicy #culture #philanthropy #2013Conference #transparency

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