Biesecker, G., & Girma-Holton, B. (2015, November). Strategic social-emotional learning evaluation capacity-building across multiple years. In G. Biesecker (Chair), Building social-emotional learning evaluation capacity in an education nonprofit context. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the...
AEA 2015 SEL Symposium.pdf
Atlanta is home to many evaluation-focused institutions, including universities, consulting firms, large non-profits, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. By extension, the city draws both new and experienced evaluators. Meanwhile, Atlanta is also home to many small, mission...
Pro Bono AEA Presentation 10-26-16_final3.pdf
Presented by Jennifer Hamilton, Senior Study Director, Westat and David Bernstein, Senior Study Director, Westat. Opinions are our own. The majority of US federal government evaluations are conducted by external evaluators. However, conducting evaluations is just one of the roles that external...
2016 Bernstein Hamilton Evaluation Contracting Final.pptx
This panel presented results from a research study about evaluation capacity building in the NISE Net, a national network supporting informal education about nanoscience. The panel format included brief presentations by three panelists followed by two discussants. The panelists presented (1)...
2015 AEA CASNET combined slides.pptx
The authors describe a university's system for providing a peer review of learning outcomes assessment reports. Noting several valuable uses for the system and its rubric-structured feedback, the authors go on to provide aggregate data they are using to guide more focused assessment capacity...
Using Peer Feedback for Assessment Capacity-building.pdf
Capacity-building in evaluation has tended to focus on program-level managers and staff ignoring the key role that senior leaders also play in using evaluation for making better decisions. However, informed decision-making and evidence-informed practice depend on senior decision-makers having a...
AEA2015 mLearning final.pdf
Draft paper presented on Nov. 12, 2015 at Evaluation 2015 Abstract: Calls for "evidence‐based policy" and for assessing how well government programs work have been around for many years. The George W. Bush and Barack Obama Administrations both espoused support for the generation and use of...
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#InternalEvaluation #capacity-building #HealthEvaluation #2014Conference #CDCEvaluationFramework #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #GovernmentEvaluation #HowTo
pdfs of poster presentation and handout Abstract Involving health and local government MDAs in evaluation and ensuring ownership of their MNCH/FP/RH interventions has been one of the challenges of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in developing countries. The focus of most projects is on...
PDFs of poster presentation and handout. ABSTRACT An overview of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD; Kretzmann & McKnight, 1993) is given, while emphasizing the role of children. The use of capacity inventories and its implementation to create asset maps is highlighted. In order to push...