Atlanta is home to many evaluation-focused institutions, including universities, consulting firms, large non-profits, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. By extension, the city draws both new and experienced evaluators. Meanwhile, Atlanta is also home to many small, mission-driven, nonprofits that have yet to develop an evaluation infrastructure. To build the evaluation capacity of newer evaluators and foster organizational appreciation for evaluation among non-profits, the Atlanta-area affiliate of AEA offers pro-bono evaluation services. In 2016, AaEA restructured its pro-bono program to expand its reach. This presentation comprises two presentations. The first describes the genesis, design, and implementation of the pilot program, including forming committees, recruiting non-profits, offering trainings, setting expectations, and scoping projects. The second presentation will report the outcomes of the pilot program, including individual project outputs and overall pilot year evaluation results. The pilot year process evaluation will inform modifications to the next pro-bono project cycle, with hopes of institutionalizing the program within AaEA.#nonprofits #2016Conference #LocalAffilliates #organizational-capacity-building #Evaluation2016