A team of university representatives, including faculty members, researchers, administrators, and an alumni development officer worked with an external consultant to design a uniform, annual assessment grounded in the universityโs core values
[Roundtable handout] In higher education, regional accreditors require that institutions demonstrate use of learning outcomes assessment results for program improvement
In an era of rising accountability, retention rates of graduate programs have come under scrutiny and student affairs professionals are being asked to help graduate students at increasing rates. In particular, Graduate Higher Education has done little to assess and understand graduate students' needs and experiences beyond the classroom. We conducted a formative needs assessment using multiple data collection tools and methods to better understand our graduate students, their needs and experiences at a public Carnegie classified Doctoral/Research University in the Rocky Mountain Region and to inform the development of a program we have created called Graduate Student Professional Development. In this study we discuss our program objectives, assessment purpose and process. We discuss how we integrated several data collection methods, describe outcomes, plans for integration across the university system and next steps to support the establishment of a sustainable program grounded in assessment practices and data driven programming decisions
These are the slides from an AEA 2015 presentation. #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #2015Conference #cultureofassessment #AssessmentinHigherEducation
Walser HE ECB AEA2015 FINAL.pdf
This presentation begins with an overview of the context and then proceeds into methodological issues and concerns encountered by conducting needs assessment in a national context
Methodological_Issues_in_Needs_Assessment_AEA_2011_Hung & Altschuld.pptx
As a result, policies and governance documents are adopted and implemented in typical evaluation contexts, including health, education and human services. These written policies can be a valuable source of data when evaluating large-scale initiatives or assessing complex programs; however, policy assessment is a useful tool often overlooked in evaluation. Using a statewide anti-bullying initiative as an example, this interactive session will center around three key steps for evaluating written policies
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See matching library entry files - False charges shall also be regarded as a seriou...
Although much is now known about how students learn, little is known about the process by which computer-assisted, cutting-edge teaching and learning materials and practices are diffused and brought into the undergraduate classroom. In May 2010, the American Sociological Association (ASA) launched a new Teaching Resources and Innovations Library of Sociology (TRAILS). In this comparative evaluation of the first year of the diffusion of TRAILS, we ask, how did the use of this new technology diffuse?
Presentation made by Hubert Paulmer at the AEA 2009 Conference, Orlando FL on November 12, 2009, #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #organizational #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #sustainability ...
AEA 2009 Presentation-Nov12 - Hubert Paulmer.pdf
Roundtable Presentation Abstract: We present the background on evaluating performance of health providers using observations; discuss challenges and solutions in planning and carrying out the observations; caution against five types of variability that can affect data from observations; and discuss how to improve validity and reliability of observational data
AEA Roundtable Handout - Clin Obs 10-18-2012.docx
The presentation highlights a rapid ethnographic assessment conducted in a community in Cape Town, South Africa to consider the issue of high school drop out
Karakos Presentation.pptx