[Roundtable handout] In higher education, regional accreditors require that institutions demonstrate use of learning outcomes assessment results for program improvement. However, faculty and administrators do not always use results. At this roundtable, I will describe several activities I’ve used to promote faculty use of results such as hypothetical results to assist planning, graffiti wall during data interpretation, and three-way interviews to create improvement plans. Join in an active discussion around these questions: 1) what activities promote faculty’s use of results? 2) do activities differ for faculty and administrators? 3) what skills do faculty need to facilitate conversations on use of results? Evaluation utilization is a concern in program evaluation and in higher education learning outcomes assessment; participants will help develop activities aimed at promoting use of results in the context of higher education. #EvaluationUse #AssessmentinHigherEducation #2014Conference #highereducationassessment