How to design and implement a multisite monitoring and evaluation systems to evaluate a training program for one of the most diverse workforces within the US school system: the school nutrition staff, where different levels of education, nationalities, and languages converge? Building on the...
A Recipe With Many Ingredients.pptx
Panel by Tony Fujs, Will Fenn, and Ann K. Emery R is hotter than ever in the evaluation field as evaluators are looking for ways to improve their data management, analysis, and visualizations. First-time R users are asking themselves, Is R right for my evaluation work? Where do I start if I...
Pierce, S. J. (2011, November). Master Teacher Series—Using equivalence tests to prove that groups don't differ: How to generate "evidence of absence" rather than "absence of evidence". Demonstration session presented at Evaluation 2011: Values and Valuing in Evaluation, the annual conference of...
This entry contains a .pdf of the power point presentation from the Using R for the Management of Survey Data and Statistics in Evaluation Demonstration and two syntax files that were used to achieve the operations presented. R is a free, open-source software program for statistics and graphics...
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