2016 AEA 90 minute skill building workshop #2016Conference #ResearchonEvaluation #DataQuality
AEA 2016_Data Quality skill building session.pdf
pdfs of poster presentation and handout Abstract Involving health and local government MDAs in evaluation and ensuring ownership of their MNCH/FP/RH interventions has been one of the challenges of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in developing countries. The focus of most projects is on...
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This presentation for Eval 2013 examines the evolving role of an internal evaluator leading a collaborative effort that applied rapid tests of change to improve client outcomes in a public mental health setting. The Recovery Model represents a paradigm shift in community mental health that...
Slides for Using the Quality Implementation Tool as a Framework for Process Evaluation: Going Beyond Fidelity talk in Session: Quality Implementation and Evaluation of Evidence-based Interventions #QualityImplementationTool #ImplementationScience #GettingToOutcomes
final AEA QIT for Process Eval 10-15-13.pdf
These documents describe and present a tool to assess an organization's monitoring and evaluation standards. This was created for a decentralized health development organization (Jhpiego, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University) working in 45 countries and a diverse monitoring and evaluation...
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Ideally, decisions about evaluation design and implementation draw on the knowledge and expertise of the commissioning agency, evaluators and other relevant stakeholders. However standard procurement processes and existing power differentials often preclude this, leading to evaluations which don...
The SERVE Center entered into an agreement with the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) School of Education, to serve as the external evaluator for the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) ENRICH Project, a multi-year, multifaceted project. This proposal provides an overview of the...
ENRICH Revisioning Poster Handouts.pdf
The Project ENRICH (Educational Network for Renewal, Innovation, Collaboration and Help) is a partnership between UNCG and Winston Salem/Forsyth County Schools for the 'purpose of simultaneous improvement of teacher education and PK-12 education.' The Teacher Residency Program is a key...
ENRICH Residency Program Poster Handouts.pdf
At the AEA 2010 conference, session presenters defined evaluation quality through recent trends and practices implemented in building quality systems in higher education in the world particularly in the Middle East. The session showed how new trends in quality can guide applications of...
This paper presents the multi-pronged and evolving approach for improving evaluation quality and its challenges in the African Development Bank (AfDB). It also brings out the key evaluation quality drivers; proposes the need for enhanced mixed methods approach and institutional changes in...
AEA2010-Evaluation Quality (AfDB-FT).pptx