The SERVE Center entered into an agreement with the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) School of Education, to serve as the external evaluator for the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) ENRICH Project, a multi-year, multifaceted project. This proposal provides an overview of the evaluation of one component of the ENRICH Project—the re-visioning of undergraduate teacher education across the 22 various undergraduate university programs. This re-visioning includes: Adherence to the NC State Board of Education 2007 mission statement. Incorporating the standards for administrators and teachers developed in alignment with this mission statement, including the NC Professional Teaching Standards (NCPTS). Utilizing the developed NC Teacher Evaluation Rubric which operationalizes NCPTS. Implementing a new electronic teaching portfolio used for program review/accreditation. Following the guidelines for Program Blueprints which provide a consistent outline for programs' re-visioning reports. Blueprints must be approved by the state committee for programs to continue. #ENRICH #TQP #TeacherQualityPartnershipGrant #2011Conference