“Telling” evaluation stories visually can be a powerful way of communicating findings with stakeholders...Tania explains how she conceptualized and created an infographic about the membership of the American Evaluation Association 3
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Powerpoint from paper presented at AEA 2007 #DataManagement #AssessmentinHigherEducation #LongitudinalEvaluation #AEA2007
Youth interventions often seek to increase young people’s positive community engagement and strengthen fundamental life skills, including communication, leadership, and conflict resolution skills. How can evaluators measure such hard-to-define changes in youth? Panel Presentation Abstract: Youth interventions often seek to increase young people’s positive community engagement and strengthen fundamental life skills, including communication, leadership, and conflict resolution skills. How can evaluators measure such hard-to-define changes in youth?
Measuring Results International Youth Leadership Interventions.pdf
This presentation was part of Demonstration Session 459, "How to Create Infographics to 'Tell' Evaluation Stories." I walk through the process I used to conceptualize and create an infographic using Excel to present survey response rates in a longitudinal study
Fitzhugh Infographic AEA 2013.pdf
This is the resource packet for the Measurement Invariance Demonstration Session presented at the 2013 annual conference: Do our measures measure up? The critical role of measurement invariance. Presented for the Quantitative Methods TIG by Silvana Bialosiewicz and Kelly Murphy. ...
AEA 13 measurement invariance resource packet.pdf