Three presentations to AEA 2016 Conference (Session ID: 2280) - New Approaches to the Design and Evaluation of Global Programs to End Modern Slavery: Establishing an Evidence Base and Understanding What Works #SocialImpact #Eval2016 #HumanRights #AEA2016Conference #FreetheSlaves ...
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A joint presentation by Jindra Cekan PhD, Beatrice Lorge Rogers PhD, Patricia Rogers PhD, and Laurie Zivetz. PhD Despite the increasing focus on impact evaluation, especially in international development, evaluations rarely look at the longer-term impact of evaluations but report on the...
Theory of Change Analysis (ToC analysis) is a key instrument for verification of a project logic and assessment of project results. It is a crucial element of evaluation required by multilateral agencies and international organizations, for instance, UNEP, UNDP, and WWF The trainers use a...
AIMS presentation_AEA 2016_final.pptx
You can see the [PlanB] (pdf file) as well in this Library. #childwelfare #Ignite #ImpactEvaluation #Evaluationpractice #evaluationmethods #parentalinvolvement #accountabilty #2015Conference #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #GovernmentEvaluation #indicators ...
AEA Conference in Washington, DC 2013 Presentation by Marc Shapiro, Ph.D Project Leader Global Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation Project Development and Training Services (dTS) #ClimateChange #2013Conference #AdaptationProjects #GlobalClimateChange #EvaluationImpact
GCCME AEA Adaptation Shocking 2013 10 18.ppt
#HowTo #collectiveimpact #learningcircles #UnitedWay #affinitygroups #communityimpact #commonoutcomes
Session Title: Proper Use of Evaluation to Impact Funders and Society Abstract; The Office of Auditor the General Norway published a performance audit on the effects of public grants aimed at ensuring biodiversity and enhancing outdoor recreational activity in June 2013. The audit examines...
Hilde Solli different methods on grant performance.pdf
A primary goal of research training programs is to increase the number of qualified researchers in a particular discipline or methodology. Training program evaluations tend to examine applicant and awardee characteristics, award rates, and short-term research outcomes such as subsequent...
Evaluators of scientific research programs have several tools to document and analyze products of scientific research, but few tools exist for exploring and capturing the impacts of such research. Understanding impacts is beneficial because it fosters a greater sense of accountability and...
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Long-term impact is an assumed goal of most educational programs. But, most evaluation designs do not include data collection beyond short-term outcomes. This paper focuses on the value of collecting data regarding the long-term outcomes and impact of a teacher induction program on beginning...