Evaluators of scientific research programs have several tools to document and analyze products of scientific research, but few tools exist for exploring and capturing the impacts of such research. Understanding impacts is beneficial because it fosters a greater sense of accountability and stewardship for federal research dollars. It also allows scientific program managers to engage in data driven planning processes and consider how to do more with fewer resources. Two related papers explored benefits and challenges associated with tracking impacts associated with federal grant programs. The first paper presented the High Impacts Tracking System (HITS), an emerging tool to track a broad range of research outcomes. The second paper explored The Becker Library model as an approach to evaluate outcomes for the Clinical and Translational Science Awards. The audience was invited to discuss strengths and challenges presented. #ImpactAssessment #EmergingTools #Instruments #Research,Technology,andDevelopmentEval #QualitativeMethods #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign #2012Conference