Session Title: Proper Use of Evaluation to Impact Funders and Society Abstract; The Office of Auditor the General Norway published a performance audit on the effects of public grants aimed at ensuring biodiversity and enhancing outdoor recreational activity in June 2013. The audit examines whether the public grants contribute to goal achievement, and whether these grants are soundly managed by the various actors on central and regional levels of the public sector. The paper asks what kind of information is obtained through three different methods of data collection used in the performance audit and lessons learned after using these methods. The paper discusses what kind of information is obtained from case studies, case file reviews and questionnaires to administrators. The paper examines the strengths and weaknesses of the different methods of data collection, and in the types of evidence yielded, and what conclusions might be drawn based on the information obtained.#GovernmentEvaluation #SessionTitleProperUseofEvaluationtoImpactFundersandSociety #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign #EnvironmentalProgramEvaluation #QualitativeMethods #2013Conference #MixedMethodsEvaluation