This is the set of slides that will be used at the conference session: Influencing Evaluation Policy and Evaluation Practice: A Progress Report From the Anerican Evaluation Association's Evaluation Policy Task Force, Panel Session 495. This session will provide a brief review of the purpose and activiteis of AEA's Evaluation Policy Task Force. Attendees can meet members of the Task Force and ask questions or provide comments about important evaluation policies
Update of activties of AEA Evaluation Policy Task Force.pdf
As Consultant to the Evaluation Policy Task Force (EPTF), Mr
EPTF Update for 2011 AEA Conference.ppt
Narco-terrorism, Hurricanes Ike, Dolly and Alex, and relentless media attention to immigration issues form the backdrop for a process evaluation and feasibility assessment of the Border Violence Prevention Task Force community mobilization efforts in 2010. With funding provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services the Task Force developed seven focused curriculum modules based on the needs of community members, promotoras, and other service providers to identify and implement evidence-based responses to violence and natural disasters in the Mexico-U.S. border region
AEA 2011 Presentation Anaheim.ppt
Video Available This webinar, part 5 of an 8-part series on the BetterEvaluation rainbow framework, focuses on tasks to answer causal evaluation questions – using research designs and other strategies to understand the contribution of a program or policy to observed results. The webinar outlines the tasks involved, options for carrying out those tasks, and resources from the BetterEvaluation site that can assist any evaluator
BetterEval CAUSES webinar Jane - final1.pdf
An organization can increase its capacity by improving how systematic and effective its use of knowledge during evaluative tasks. As an added advantage, the organization can concentrate on improving the knowledge parameters that serve its most important evaluation questions
Knowledge Flow-A Continuous Force in Effective Evaluation2.pdf
This powerpoint summarizes preliminary results of a survey of AEA members about their ideas for federal evaluation policy, for which data was gathered in May of 2009
Federal Evaluation Policy study.ppt
Presentation at AEA2009 Proven and Creative Strategies and Techniques for Teaching Evaluation Demonstration Session #2009Conference #TeachingofEvaluation #Evaluation2009
Metaevaluation Task Teaching Exemplar.pdf
Materials from the presentation "Taking the Measure of 'Role' And 'Contribution': A Mixed Methods Approach to Policy Evaluation." From the AEA 2011 session: Methods in Evaluating Advocacy Efforts: Grantmakers' Perspectives. Includes both the powerpoint slides and the diagram of the six-step policy process that we used as a framework for our internal policy evaluation
2 attachments
See matching library entry files - Taking the Measure of Role And Contribution A Mi...
The term Knowledge Flow represents the dynamic creation and exchange of organizational knowledge across groups, levels, and knowledge forms. This study investigated six exemplary organizations that systematically incorporated knowledge flow into their evaluative decisions. The study...
Knowledge Flow-A Continuous Force in Effective Evaluation.pdf
Video Available This webinar, part 8 in an 8-part series on the BetterEvaluation rainbow framework, focuses on tasks to manage an evaluation – including understanding and engaging stakeholders, establishing decision-making processes for the evaluation, deciding who will conduct it, securing resources, defining evaluation standards, documenting agreements (including contractual arrangements) and formal evaluation plans and developing evaluation capacity. The webinar outlines the tasks involved, options for carrying out those tasks, and resources from the BetterEvaluation site that can assist any evaluator
MANAGE webinar Kerry 30May2013.pptx