Video Available This webinar, part 5 of an 8-part series on the BetterEvaluation rainbow framework, focuses on tasks to answer causal evaluation questions – using research designs and other strategies to understand the contribution of a program or policy to observed results. The webinar...
BetterEval CAUSES webinar Jane - final1.pdf
The three documents included here for use at the 2009 AEA conference are: 1) a description of our paper, 2) PowerPoint slides for our presentation, and 3) tables demonstrating use of the Partial Comparisons Approach in evaluating two STEM projects in Washington State. #EvaluationUse #Prek...
3 attachments
See matching library entry files - Thank You Evaluating Impact: Us...
The panelist will describe the impact of turnover on staff evaluation capacity and maintaining rigorous evaluation methodology
Workshop Description: How can you conduct adequately valid impact evaluations under real world circumstances?
RealWorld Evaluation workshop AEA 2012.pptx
This technique is often woefully inadequate, and does not allow the evaluator to fully understand the true impact of the training program on its participants and the systems in which they operate. In this session, a comprehensive evaluation methodology that was developed to assess the effectiveness and long-term impact of two NIMH-funded training curriculum development projects will be presented. Integral to the design of this evaluation is the assessment of short-term and long-term impact at both the individual and systems-level using a multi-modal data collection strategy
AEA 2011.pdf
This paper presentation analyses evaluation approaches and methods that are typically used to assess the impact of development training at several levels: impact on individuals’ evaluation knowledge, professional practice, and institutional change
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Working paper presented in session 117 of Evaluation 2009. We present a novel methodology for assessing changes in household income attributable to technology adoption by smallholder farmers. Pre-adoption household incomes of successive cohorts are used to construct a proxy control for...
Giel Ton - Evaluating Povert Impacts of Micro-Irrigation Technology vAEA v2.pdf
PhD Despite the increasing focus on impact evaluation, especially in international development, evaluations rarely look at the longer-term impact of evaluations but report on the achievement of shorter-term outcomes. This session makes the case for designing and investing in evaluations that look at whether the intended impacts are achieved and sustained in the long-term and what other impacts (unexpected or adaptive) emerge over time. Sustainability involves durability of outcomes and impacts long after project resources have left. Given the need to emphasize these aspects of these evaluations, we propose a new label for this type – Sustained and Emergent Impact Evaluation (SEIE)
The Michigan Evaluation of School-based Health (MESH) Project studied the impact of school-based health centers (SBHCs) on the health and health behaviors of middle and high school students
AEA 2009 Lichty, McNall & Mavis, Final.pdf
A slide show to present the Heifer Impact Evaluation Model, lessons learned from its application in the past five years, and a reflection about its relevance to the field of international development as an alternative to experimental designs.Heifer International has reached millions of families in 125 countries providing training and livestock to help people improve their livelihood
Chianca - Heifer Impact Eval.pdf