Materials from the session "Speaking Truths About, For, and To Power in Evaluations of Inclusive Leadership Initiatives," presented by Michael P. Arnold, Director at Informing Change; Michael Hannaman, Research Assistant at Informing Change; and Laura Rodriguez, Director of Programs at Youth...
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Slides from Evaluation 2016 session Abstract: Recent equity-focused legislation in California requires programs funded by cap-and-trade revenues to spend certain percentages within predefined “disadvantaged communities” (DACs). In contrast to project-investment programs, evaluating consumer...
The Meaningful Exposure to Non-Tested Curriculum in Alaska Project was a result of a court order issued to the State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (EED) in the Moore v State of Alaska case. The purpose of the Meaningful Exposure project was to conduct an overall...
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Equity-focused evaluation (EFE) responds to the growing concern to assess the extent to which development interventions reach and benefit the most vulnerable sectors of the (target) population. This powerpoint presentation discusses some of the special political, professional and social...