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Electric Vehicle Rebates in Disadvantaged Communities: Evaluating Progress with Appropriate Comparisons 

12-14-2016 13:48

Slides from Evaluation 2016 session Abstract: Recent equity-focused legislation in California requires programs funded by cap-and-trade revenues to spend certain percentages within predefined “disadvantaged communities” (DACs). In contrast to project-investment programs, evaluating consumer-incentive programs based upon spending distribution is problematic. This is both because market behavior, rather than program design, determines spending and because percentage requirements do not accurately indicate progress in DACs. This research examines information about policies and programs that have directed $300 million toward the adoption of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). It draws upon data from 140,000 rebate applications and 19,000 survey responses to evaluate program participation in DACs and the state overall. It then describes the development of more appropriate indicators of progress by emphasizing data-driven calibration of expectations for program performance. Specifically, it incorporates both state-population and new-vehicle-consumer-specific demographics and registration data to normalize program indicators. The results highlight differences between narratives produced (without context, with inadequate context, and appropriately contextualized).

#Electricvehicles #Evaluation2016 #Equity #Markettransformation #ClimateChange

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