Using Process Evaluation Interviews and a Collaborative Evaluation Process to Identify Factors that Contribute to Participation in a Tailored Commercial Tobacco Cessation Program--The Wiidookowishin (Help Me) Program #2013Conference #DiversityandInclusion #BosmaConsulting
Bosma et al 2013 Wiidookowishin handout.pdf
Real-time evaluation (RTE) is one of the field’s latest responses to evaluation reports that come too late to be actionable or relevant. Our clients (which includes nonprofits and foundations) operate in complex ecologies and program implementation is not straightforward. As a result, they are...
AEA 2012 RTE with Juma Ventures FINAL2.pdf
Program evaluators who choose to become independent consultants will find that the intersection of business and research can offer tremendous personal reward but it can be both challenging and intimidating unless they have the simple but important skills required to be successful. This practical...
The Client Feedback Form (CFF) was developed by several members of the American Evaluation Association’s TIG for Independent Consulting as a result of a desire to "walk the talk". The purpose of the CFF is to assist evaluators, including those who do not own their own consulting businesses, in...
2 attachments
This document was prepared to accompany the roundtable session, Mentoring via the Independent Consulting TIG: Enhancing the Value of Professional Affiliations (session # 201). The document was prepared by Norma Martinez-Rubin, Evaluation Focused Consulting and Becky Melzer, Evaluation Edge LLC. ...
IC TIG Mentoring Survey - RT Handout.pdf