Across the world, VOPEs are addressing their diverse evaluation practice through the development of evaluator competency frameworks. These competencies are being used for different purposes depending on their context from guidelines to inform professional development to a foundation for...
Session1414 Global Evolution of Evaluator
In the real world logic of programs under evaluation is not always clear and consistent. According to my experience, three most common flaws in program logic are: (1) use of indicators instead of goals and objectives (the goals are “too SMART”), (2) lack of program/project goals, and (3) lack of...
Reconstruction of Program Logic Kuzmin for upload.pptx
This presentation from the 2011 AEA conference presents the results of a survey administered to AEA's Graduate Student and New Evaluators Topical Interest Group. Respondents were asked about their training experiences, their confidence in certain skills and knowledge, and the components of their...
Dillman, AEA, Evaluator Skill Acquisition.pdf
This presentation outlines the challenges and opportunities associated with a radically different approach to the development of evauator competencies. In Aotearoa New Zealand the local Evaluation Association (anzea) has launched the development of a project on evaluator competencies and...
101123 Competencies workshop AEA 2010 vxx final.pptx
From multipaper session 852: Research on Evaluator Competencies. Abstract: Using Stevahn, King, Ghere, & Minnema’s (2005) Essential Competencies for Program Evaluators, a content analysis of articles/chapters for three theoretical evaluation approaches was conducted. The goal of the study is to...
In Search of Evaluator Competencies.pptx