In search of increased use and clarity of information, the National Center for Educational Achievement systematically evaluates how its data visualizations communicate with educators. Building on the work of noted author Stephen Few (Show Me the Numbers and Now You See It), NCEA identified key components of data visualization best practice and then set about refining their products. Steve Fleming from NCEA will share the criteria they use to examine and improve their data visualizations. He’ll show examples of previous data visualizations and identify what improvements were implemented as a result of their evaluation work
AEA data viz 2011-01-101.pptx
Recently the use of and options for data visualizations in evaluation have grown tremendously
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Timely data collection and analysis informing classroom instruction provides a baseline for classroom teachers to differentiate instruction per student needs and to construct new teaching strategies for the areas that need improvement. Various data visualization software enables educators make sense of the numbers whether they are number geek or number phobic
The ManyEyes data visualization website may be just the tool for you!
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Handout summary of our 2012 AEA presentation on great data visualization using basic document and spreadsheet software
Data Visualization Handout AEA 20121.pdf
Demonstration Session Abstract: This demonstration will explore how you can use Microsoft Excel for basic data visualizations that will showcase your data. If you are provided Microsoft Excel 2010 by your firm or its all you can afford, there are many great tools that allow for greater customization of your data visualizations making Excel an easy choice to move your data from text to chart. Using an example data set we will walk through Excel’s data visualization tools, including formatting data, chart selection, formatting to reduce the data-ink ratio, and moving to Microsoft PowerPoint or Word. Building on data visualization theory, this demonstration will also cover tips and tricks to visualizing your data in Excel, re-draw in PowerPoint for greater impact, and the limitations in using Excel in comparison to other products. Select free online resources for chart selection and data visualization in Excel will be referenced as part of the demonstration
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AEA 2016 Poster Submission to the DVR TIG. #dataviz #Reporting #software #interactive #tech
Your Reporting Arsenal - 6 low or no cost interactive tools.pdf
Today literature reviews are evolving through the use of data visualization tools that allow us to map various aspects of a body of past research. These new tools allow us to see and understand relationships among research themes and methods in ways that can be more quickly apprehended than traditional narrative summaries. A new data visualization tool called IN-SPIRE offers a way of mapping sets of narrative documents that can offer new insights into their themes and inter-relationships
We also explained some of the principles behind the design of infographics and data visualizations that we learned through our participation in the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Infographics and Data Visualization taught by Alberto Cairo and sponsored by the Knight Foundation
Therefore we are exploring the novel use of a text-mining data visualization tool, OmniViz™, to examine patterns in the science distribution of our grants, analyze assignment of project officers, and identify gaps and emerging areas of research
2011Oct25 ForAEA.pptx