Lesson learned from an evaluation of youth programs in India. Presented by Jocelyn Michelsen, MA, MPA and Corey Newhouse, MPP #Eval2016 #2016Conference
Eval16, 2016 Conference #MultiethnicIssuesinEvaluation #Eval16 #culture #2016Conference #internationalevaluation
AEA Annual Meeting 2016 Cultural Competency.pdf
Culture and values permeate all aspects of evaluations, so culturally competent evaluation requires delicate attention to the complexities of social, political, and cultural relations between evaluators and stakeholders and among stakeholders themselves
AEA Presentation- 2011-PDF.pdf
AEA conference attendees interested in the development of evaluation internationally, in the emergence of non-governmental organizations and philanthropies in Asia, and in cultural competency will find this session engaging and informative
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