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Eval11 Sesion 431: Considering Complexities of Culturally Competent Evaluation in the Development Context: Afghanistan Teachers Professional Development Program 

11-09-2011 21:11

Culture and values permeate all aspects of evaluations, so culturally competent evaluation requires delicate attention to the complexities of social, political, and cultural relations between evaluators and stakeholders and among stakeholders themselves. The development context, where stakeholders have diverse value systems with different power statuses, presents extra challenges. Drawing on the evaluation of Afghanistan In-service Teacher Training Program, I discuss how values of donors (such as USAID and World Bank) differ from the values of local stakeholders (such as parents, teachers, and education officers) on teachers’ needs, setting program priorities, defining evaluation criteria, and the merit and worth of the program. Since common evaluation concepts, terms, principles, and professional standards incorporate elements of Western culture, how can evaluation be conducted in non-Western developing countries while honoring and promoting interests of the least advantaged groups?

#DiversityandInclusion #teachertraining #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #CulturalCompetence #2011Conference #Afghanistan

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