This is a copy of the poster that was presented in the opening poster reception. Note the size will not allow you to print on standard paper. #matching #propensity #Evaluation2009 #2009Conference #score
The evaluation used propensity score matching to compare funded IRFP applicants to a matched comparison group of unfunded IRFP applicants
AEA Govt NSF International Fellowships_uploaded.pdf
The purpose of this evaluation was to estimate the effect of TFA corps members and TFA alumni on Texas student mathematics and reading scores as measured by the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) exam in Texas in the 2010-11 school year. Using propensity score matching to create comparison groups, comparisons were made on mathematics and reading outcomes between students taught by TFA corps members and novice non-TFA teachers, and students taught by TFA alumni and veteran non-TFA teachers
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The materials from the AEA 2016 Session 2040: Conducting Propensity Score Matching and Survival Analysis to Predict Recidivism for a Home Visitation Program Evaluation: Case Study, and Applying Results are attached below
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The Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP) is a free, six-week residential science enrichment program offered to rising college sophomores and juniors of minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged background who are interested in attending medical or dental school. This...
This paper presents the challenges and lessons learned from an external evaluation of a regional program designed to improve science and literacy achievement for high-needs students in grades K–6. The program's goals were to strengthen teacher understanding of science and quality of instruction...
See matching library entry files - Availability of Data Issue Not granted access to...
PPT for Watkins, Covington-Clarkson, Arens & Borman's presentation in the session 397: "Program Evaluation in Urban School Contexts: Five Cases" Thursday, Nov 12, 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM Suwannee 14 #Evaluation2009 #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval...
Bal Eval Watkins et al AEA 09.pdf
A primary goal of research training programs is to increase the number of qualified researchers in a particular discipline or methodology. Training program evaluations tend to examine applicant and awardee characteristics, award rates, and short-term research outcomes such as subsequent...
This presentation provides three illustration how to link the value-added evaluation findings on student achievement to the context of three educational programs implemented in Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS). #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation ...
2009 AEA presentation - adding value to value-added (final).ppt
Presentation Abstract: This presentation will provide a brief introduction to SAMHSA’s SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment) programs and outline the evaluation process of Georgia BASICS. It will cover the program’s service delivery, characteristics of the target...
AEA Final Draft Oct 23 2012.pptx