In an era of rising accountability, retention rates of graduate programs have come under scrutiny and student affairs professionals are being asked to help graduate students at increasing rates. In particular, Graduate Higher Education has done little to assess and understand graduate students' needs and experiences beyond the classroom. We conducted a formative needs assessment using multiple data collection tools and methods to better understand our graduate students, their needs and experiences at a public Carnegie classified Doctoral/Research University in the Rocky Mountain Region and to inform the development of a program we have created called Graduate Student Professional Development
Though it was designed specifically for use by graduate students in the Masters of Social Work Evaluation Class, it will likely work well in other program settings
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This presentation from the 2011 AEA conference presents the results of a survey administered to AEA's Graduate Student and New Evaluators Topical Interest Group
Dillman, AEA, Evaluator Skill Acquisition.pdf
This panel explored the approaches used by U.S. universities to train graduate students in evaluation, and transition strategies to help students/new evaluators design their careers
2016 AEA Transitioning Students Bernstein.pptx
This poster, presented at the 2012 AEA Conference, provides an overview of the iBioSketch tool. iBioSketch is a customizable web application that tracks career progress for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in the biomedical sciences
aea poster - 2012 - FINAL.pdf
Donna Mertens is a Past President of the American Evaluation Association who teaches evaluation methods and program evaluation to deaf and hearing graduate students at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C
List of References_Final.pdf
This Ignite presentation highlighted how I built relationships with two AEA affiliates, the Eastern Evaluation Research Society and the Washington Evaluators, by volunteering over the past two years. After sharing examples of my responsibilities each affiliate, I shared the top 10 ways that...
The University of Minnesota's Evaluation Studies program has always stressed the importance of gaining real-world evaluation experience. At the Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute (MESI), students are not only given the mandate of internships/field experiences, but the assistance, support,...
AEA 2013 MESI Murphy Presentation.pdf