This panel explored the approaches used by U.S. universities to train graduate students in evaluation, and transition strategies to help students/new evaluators design their careers. All seven distinguished panelists have served in AEA leadership positions. Panelists and the audience addressed questions such as: 1.Academic Focus and Degrees: In which disciplines/schools at your university would we expect to find courses in evaluation or related to evaluation? Do you offer a degree or major field in evaluation? 2.Hands-on Work Experience: Do you offer opportunities to design and conduct evaluations? 3.Career Paths: Where have your former students worked in the evaluation field? 4.Becoming an Evaluation Professional and Networking: What advice do you have for new evaluators regarding making the shift from school to work in the evaluation field? What types of professional and networking activities would you recommend to further careers in evaluation? PowerPoint slides include the introduction, description of the panel, and the questions the panelists were asked to address. Their talking points are not included in the slides.#teachingevaluation #graduatestudents #newevaluators