This poster, presented at the 2012 AEA Conference, provides an overview of the iBioSketch tool. iBioSketch is a customizable web application that tracks career progress for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in the biomedical sciences. Abstract: We will present a web-based data collection system we have designed for tracking trainees of scientific research programs. This system, called iBioSketch, aims to improve the efficacy of program evaluations by collecting career outcome data across standard categories for pre-college students through postdoc trainees. It allows program leaders to: 1) document the success of their training efforts by individual or sets of participants; 2) track the progress of participants after they exit the university/training program; and 3) efficiently create tables of outcome data for required progress reports. Additionally, a comparison feature allows program leaders to examine their program outcomes in relation to a broader data set. The system currently stores data for over 2600 trainees across 32 programs at 12 different institutions, and is now attracting program leaders interested in evaluating training grants that involve several institutions. Potential for broader uses will be discussed. Presenters: Kimberley W. Cohen and Sherri L. Fulp Strategic Evaluations, Durham, NC#Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #Poster #IntegratingTechnologyintoEvaluation #Instruments #2012Conference