Random Control Trial (RCTs) evaluation designs in which potential participants are randomly selected to receive a program or become part of a control group that does not receive the program are an effective method of determining program impact, when used appropriately. A well designed RCT...
Bernstein AEA Some Not So Random Thoughts About Random Control Trials 10-13-13.pptx
PPT for Watkins, Covington-Clarkson, Arens & Borman's presentation in the session 397: "Program Evaluation in Urban School Contexts: Five Cases" Thursday, Nov 12, 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM Suwannee 14 #Evaluation2009 #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval...
Bal Eval Watkins et al AEA 09.pdf
Thereโs much ambiguity about what constitutes evaluation and research. A major reason why is that they share common tools, approaches, and designsโbut, purposes differ. This "Navigational Map" has four major quadrants to differentiate: 1) research, 2) evaluation research, 3) assessment (within...
JHSingh_2.9.2012_Navigational Map.pdf
This is the latest bibliography that I have on RPT. Please if you update share it with the rest of us! #Instruments #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign #IndependentConsulting #RPT
RPTBiblio Rev 1-16-08.doc
This was a brief introduction to my recent work as a prelude to the open discussion that constituted the majority of the session. #Evaluation2009 #2009Conference
Recent Work.ppt
Powerpoint slides describe results of GAO analysis of types of interventions for which randomized experiments are or are not well-suited for assessing effectiveness and types of alternative methods for estimating program impact. Document provides electronic reference to published GAO report with...
AEA2010-Shipman Rigorous Methods.pdf
Presentation at AEA 2011 session #822 highlighting what's new in the 2nd edition of the RealWorld Evaluation book #2011Conference #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #TheoriesofEvaluation #RealWorldEvaluationbook
822 What's new in RealWorld Evaluation 2nd edition.pptx
Paper prepared for a Panel Presentation at the 2005 AEA Conference, Toronto, Canada; Oct 29, 2005. Session Title: More on Retrospective Pretest: Developing a Taxonomy of Best Practice Uses. This review was undertaken to examine the published literature relative to the retrospective pretest...
Ethics sessions at Evaluation 2011 compiled by the Ethics Section of the Values Team. #Ethics #2011Conference
Evaluating post-intervention effects by comparing alternative structural equation modeling: decision-trees (DT) based on formal model comparisons This paper focuses on common group invariance assumptions behind tests of post-intervention differences in outcomes. A decision-tree (DT)...