Governance Policies
Translational Research Evaluation TIG American Evaluation Association
The Translation Research Evaluation (TRE) Topical Interest Group (TIG) provides a community for AEA members interested in the evaluation of translational research initiatives. It is hoped that through this community of practice, members will be able to share the specific and unique challenges they face related to all aspects of evaluation of clinical and translational sciences including (but not limited to) translational processes, scientific impacts, education, frameworks and models, innovative applications, novel methods, data collection techniques and research designs. The TRE TIG offers its members– evaluators, practitioners, program managers and other stakeholders – an opportunity to share mutual interests, evaluation expertise, resources and materials.
The over-arching goal of the TRE TIG is to explore current, state-of-the-art evaluation approaches and applications, foster communication among evaluators and provide opportunities to discuss existing and emerging techniques to evaluate translational research. It is hoped that this TIG, and the community of practice that it fosters, will help members identify and disseminate successful strategies to overcome challenges associated with translational research evaluation.
Positions and Responsibilities
Chair. The Chair is responsible for management of the TIG, coordination of effective and efficient meetings (including timely dissemination of agenda) and bringing forward decisions that need to be made by the membership of the TIG. In addition, the Chair is also Chair of the Governance Committee. The Chair is responsible for ensuring that decisions are carried out in a proactive and efficient manner. The Chair also represents the TIG in all business with the AEA or other organizations. See guidelines for annual meeting, below. The Chair serves as part of a three-year term, as Chair-Elect in the first year, Chair in the second, and Past Chair in the third.
Chair-Elect. The Chair-Elect collaborates with the Chair to learn the role of the Chair and to become familiar with the programs of the TIG and its governance. The Chair-Elect assists and supports the Chair as needed and takes minutes during the calls and the annual in-person meeting. The Chair-Elect coordinates with the Communications Chair to distribute the minutes from calls and the annual in-person meeting. The Chair-Elect becomes Chair at the end of the term as Chair-Elect.
Past Chair. The Past Chair provides advice and leadership to the Chair regarding past practices and other matters to assist the Chair in governing the TIG. The Past Chair supports the Chair and the Chair-Elect on an as-needed basis. The Past Chair performs the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
Program Chair. The program Chair is responsible for chairing the Program Committee for the TRE TIG, including recruitment of program committee members, development of coordinated themes for the TRE TIG call for papers, coordination of review of submissions, and ultimate decision making, with input by the program committee, for the submissions of proposals for the AEA Annual Meeting.
Program Chair-Elect. The Program Chair-Elect collaborates with the Program Chair to learn the role of the Program Chair and to become familiar with the program planning activities of the annual AEA meeting. The Program Chair-Elect assists and supports the Chair as needed and takes minutes during program planning calls. The Program Chair-Elect becomes Program Chair at the end of the term as Chair-Elect.
Past Program Chair. The Past Program Chair provides advice and leadership to the Program Chair regarding past program practices and to assist with program planning. The Past Program Chair supports the Program Chair and the Program Chair-Elect on an as-needed basis.
Communications Chair. The Communications Chair is appointed jointly by the Chair and Program Chair and is responsible for the management of the Communications Committee and the TIG website, namely, the uploading of minutes and information for dissemination. The Communications Chair is also responsible for the promotion of the TIG externally and for developing and maintaining methods of communication with TIG members.
Incoming Communications Chair. The Incoming Communications Chair (ICC) is appointed by the current TRE TIG Chair and Program Chair, in partnership with the serving Communications Chair. The ICC collaborates with the Communications Chair to learn their role and to become familiar with the associated activities. The ICC assists and supports the Communications Chair as needed and takes minutes during the Communications subcommittee calls. The ICC performs the duties of the Communications Chair in their absence and becomes Communications Chair at the end of their term.
Governance Chair. The Governance Chair leads the work of the Governance Sub-Committee and facilitates the annual election process.
TRE TIG Committees
The TRE TIG will have three standing committees – Governance, Program, and Communications – and will also have additional subcommittees as needed. Membership on subcommittees is voluntary, subject to approval of the chair of the committee. There are no terms for committee volunteers. Committee chairs are elected by the membership on an as-needed basis from candidates nominated by the membership.
Program Sub-Committee This sub-committee leads the selection of presentations at next year's AEA conference and helps to ensure representation of translational research evaluation within the AEA conference program. This committee is chaired by the Program Chair.
Communications Sub-Committee This sub-committee develops and maintains methods of communication with TIG members and for promoting the TIG and it's mission among AEA members. The communications Sub-Committee is chaired by the TIG webmaster to help facilitate the work for the group.
Governance Sub-Committee This sub-committee determines the standard operating procedures for selecting and maintaining TIG leaders, and developing other guidelines and by-laws to ensure the efficiency and sustainability of the TRE TIG.
Other Sub-Committees can be established on an as-needed basis during a meeting of the TRE TIG through a motion and voting process.
Elections will be conducted annually for the TIG Chair-Elect and Program Chair-Elect positions, and as needed for the Governance Chair. The Incoming Communications Chair is an appointed position. The election will be held approximately one month prior to the AEA Annual Meeting and newly elected chairs will be introduced to the TIG at the Annual Business Meeting. Nominations for these positions will be requested by the Chair approximately two months before the annual meeting. The nomination process should include biographical information about the nominee and the specific position for which they are nominated. The Chair will disseminate a list of nominations and biographical information to TIG members and the election will be done via email with election being determined using a simple majority-rules process.
Decision Making Process
All general and committee business will be carried out informally unless, at the discretion of the relevant chair, it seems necessary to impose a more formal structure on the discussion, in which case Robert’s Rules of Order for parliamentary procedure will be temporarily adopted.
Guidelines for TRE TIG Annual Meeting
- Call to order
- Introduction of Officers
- Reading of the Minutes (if available)
- Committee Reports
- New Business
- Adjournment
Revised by the Governance Committee 8 July 2016.