TIG Home

Welcome to the Translational Research Evaluation TIG Website!

What is translational research evaluation?

Translational research evaluation is focused on the idea of evaluating the progress of research through the translational research process – which typically includes moving from the basic research, through applied research, and on to some form of impact on a population – which might be a clinical treatment, a policy, a public health intervention or an economic impact.

Keeping in Touch with the TIG 

  1. Open your preferred internet browser, and navigate to:  https://groups.google.com/d/forum/translationalresearchevaluation
  2. Single-click on “Subscribe to this group”
  3. Enter your email address, single-click on the “I’m not a robot” reCAPTCHA box, and click “Subscribe”
  4. You will receive a confirmation message from Google Groups, click “Join this Group.”
  5. By default, your Google Groups email delivery preference will be set to:  “Notify me for every new message.” To change this setting at any time, simply:  (1) log in to the Group homepage (https://groups.google.com/d/forum/translationalresearchevaluation), (2) single-click on the “My Settings” in the top right corner of the page, (3) single-click “Membership and email settings,” (4) select a different email delivery preference, and (5) single-click Save.


How to join the TRE TIG...

This website will be the primary means of ongoing communication among TIG members. It functions as both a web interface and like a traditional e-mail based listserv. You can set how frequently you would like e-Group messages to be sent to your e-mail (real time, daily archive, etc.), you can respond from your e-mail, and so on. We’ll use this e-Group to send updates about the TIG, discuss potential projects, share thoughts about how to evaluate translational research, and more. Please make sure you join this group. The process only takes a few seconds and it will be your line of communications to our group.

1) Go to the AEA homepage (www.eval.org) and log in 
2) Make sure you have joined the TRE TIG (you can do this by selecting the Members Only tab and clicking on Update TIG Selections)
3) Select the Our Community tab
4) Click on Groups, Forums Subscriptions
5) Click on Communities, All Communities
6) In the "20 per page" dropdown box, select "All"
7) Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the Translational Research Evaluation eGroup and click on "Join" (recommend "Real Time" option for receiving messages)


AEA365 A Tip-a-Day by and for Evaluators:  TRE TIG Blog Posts





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