Session Title and Papers
Measuring Influence and Collaboration with Social Network Analysis
Chair: Patricia Noonan
Citation Network Analysis: Applying Social Network Analysis to Evaluate Scholarly Communities
Yonjoo Cho, Indiana University Sunyoung Park, Indiana University |
Expanding Social Networking to Analyze Multiple Levels of Collaboration
Patricia Noonan, Amy Gaumer Erickson, University of Kansas |
Evaluating National Science Foundation’s Math and Science Partnership-Start Program Using Survey Data and 2-Mode Social Network Analysis
Michael Steketee, Molly Hershey-Arista, Gary Silverstein, Joy Frechtling, Westat
A Demonstration on the NetDraw Visualization Program for Creating Sociograms
Maryann Durland, Durland Consulting
The Use of ORA and Automap in Social Network Analysis
Kimberly Fredericks, The Sage Colleges
Evaluation Through the Lens of Social Network Analysis
Chair: Kimberly Fredericks, The Sage Colleges
Understanding the Evaluation Field as a Complex Network of Professionals, Relations And Influences
Martina Rillo Otero, Madelene Barboza, Instituto Fonte Para o Desenvolvimento Social Antonio Bara Bresolin, Itaú Social Foundation |
Social Network Analysis: The Devil is in the Details
Kimberly Fredericks, Kathleen Kelly, Sonya Hauser,The Sage Colleges Joanne Carman, University of North Carolina, Charlotte |
Privacy in an Age of Social Networks: How Can We As Evaluators Balance the Value of Social Network Data with Respect for Privacy of Individual Information? |
Stacey Friedman, Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education & Research Irina Agoulnik, Brigham and Women's Hospital |
Social Network Analysis (SNA) Topical Interest Group Business Meeting and Think Tank: SNA in Evaluation - Lessons Learned and Future Directions |
Maryann Durland, Durland Consulting Stacey Friedman, Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education & Research Irina Agoulnik, Brigham and Women's Hospital Todd Honeycutt, Mathematica Policy Research |