Fall 2015 Newsletter

Fall 2015 Newsletter

The Evaluation 2015 conference is coming up quickly on November 9 -14, 2015 in Chicago, IL with the theme of “Exemplary Evaluations in a Multicultural World:  Learning from Evaluation's Successes Across the Globe,” which will coincide with 2015 being declared the International Year of Evaluation. This newsletter is full of information and opportunities to meet other NPFTIG members, including at our Business Meeting and at a social event.  Contact information for the TIG leadership is provided at the end of the newsletter—please reach out to us if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback!



The NPFTIG business meeting is on Thursday, Nov. 12 from 3-4:30pm in Comiskey (Session #3215). For the first half we will have a panel discussion on the topic of "evaluation excellence in nonprofit and foundation settings" with Beverly Parsons, Past-President of AEA, serving as discussant/chair. We have five panelists scheduled to participate, with each panelist providing their perspective on the topic, followed by audience questions and discussion. In the second half we will briefly discuss business items and then leave time for networking and follow-up discussions with our panelists and other attendees.  Light snacks will be provided. We look forward to your attendance and participation in this discussion!

Our panelists:

  • Beverly Parsons, Past-President of AEA, will be serving as discussant/chair.
  • Edward Jackson | Consultant and Professor | Carleton University 
  • Molly Hamm | Associate Director | Dream Project
  • Rebekah Levin | Director of Evaluation & Learning | Robert R. McCormick Foundation
  • Asma Ali | Director, Department of Evaluation, Measurement, and Assessment | American Society for Clinical Pathology, Chicago


Join us for an evening of networking, sharing of ideas and resources, and getting to know one another during Evaluation 2015 at a social event hosted by the Human Services Evaluation TIG; Social Work TIG; the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health TIG; and the Nonprofit and Foundations TIG. We will be meeting up at Houlihan's (111 E Upper Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60601) on Thursday, November 12 between 7:30pm and 9:30pm--come anytime during this window. The restaurant is a 5 minute walk away and accessible through an enclosed walkway from the hotel.  

Please note that appetizers will be provided by the TIGs; you are responsible for your own drinks and any additional food. 

Please register as soon as possible as space is limited using Eventbrite: https://aea-eval15-jointtigsocialevent.eventbrite.com. Pre-registration is required. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Beals, NPFTIG Business Co-Chair at lbeals@gmail.com. We look forward to meeting you in Chicago! 


We have 36 NPFTIG sessions this year at Evaluation 2015! For the entire list, visit the online program and select “Nonprofit and Foundations” as the Track type. Many thanks to Claire Sterling and Molly Hamm, the NPFTIG program co-chairs, for all of their hard work in managing the conference proposal process this year!


Annie E. Casey Foundation

Full Day Workshop

Results Based Accountability.

Internationally renowned author and speaker, Mark Friedman will focus on his talk-to-action methods for improving quality of life for customers and communities. Mr. Friedman is author of the book Trying Hard Is Not Good Enough used by government and nonprofit agencies in over 40 states and countries around the world, including the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Chile, New Zealand and Australia. The London Guardian called his work “Simple, common sense and jargon-free.” The New York Times referred to it as “one of the few serious attempts to bring sanity to the budget process.” Using clear plain language, the framework presents step-by-step methods for states, cities and communities to turn around quality of life conditions (e.g. health, safety, clean environment, and children ready for school) and step-by-step methods for agencies to improve services for their customers.   

Expanding the Bench is a core strategy of the Research, Evaluation, and Learning (REAL) Unit at The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Expanding the Bench seeks to build the capacity of students and professionals of color in the Results Accountability approach to improve the quality of life for urban residents and communities through effective and the quality and effectiveness of programs, agencies and service systems (Friedman, 2009).  

Expanding the Bench engages students and evaluation professionals of color in an effort to familiarize them with the RBA framework, in turn improving performance management, and increasing the quality and efficiency of their work, as well as the impact that they make on the communities in which they serve.  

The Expanding the Bench strategy is just one of the many ways in which The Annie E. Casey Foundation is working to achieve its ultimate goal: that all children in the United States have a bright future.  

Friedman’s professional development workshop will be held on Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 from 8:00am to 4:00pm at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business' Gleacher Center, just a short 7-minute walk from the AEA 2015 conference hotel in Chicago, Illinois. There is no cost to participants for this workshop, with registration fees and meals sponsored by The Annie E. Casey Foundation. 


Click the link to RSVP for the professional development workshop.  We have limited space for 100 participants on a first-come, first-served basis. A confirmation email with further event details will be sent to all registrants after the application deadline. 



A TIG-sponsored toiletry collection to benefit the homeless women served by the Chicago nonprofit, Deborah’s Place, will be hosted at the 2015 American Evaluation Association Conference.  If attending, please make sure to donate your unused hotel shampoos, body washes and conditioners in the collection box placed near the conference registration desk. This year's collection is being supported by leaders of the following TIGs: Social Network Analysis, Nonprofit and Foundations, Social Work and Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health.


Please see the note from the AEA Competencies Task Force below about opportunities to provide your opinion at Evaluation 2015:

As you may already know, the AEA Board of Directors recently appointed a Task Force charged with developing a statement on desirable evaluator competencies to guide professional development. The Task Force is chaired by Jean King. Its members include Sandra Ayoo, Eric Barela, Dale Berger, Benoît Gauthier, Michelle Gensinger, Robin Miller, Donna Podems, Laurie Stevhan, Hazel Symonette, Susan Tucker, and Elizabeth Wilcox.

The Task Force spent the initial months of its work creating a plan for engaging AEA members and other stakeholders to solicit their opinions and devising a process by which the competencies statement will be developed. Our plan outlines avenues available for members to share their thoughts on AEA defining and endorsing a set of evaluator competencies and to respond to our competency statement draft.

As part of AEA’s leadership, we seek your help in making TIG members aware of the Task Force’s mission and activities.

●      Please announce to members who attend your business meeting that the AEA Board has initiated the process of developing a statement on desirable evaluator competencies. 

●      Share with members they will have an opportunity to provide input at a listening post-session on Saturday morning from 8–9:30 a.m. in Plaza B

●      Assure members that following the conference, multiple additional opportunities will be made available for input through future AEA-sponsored events, local affiliates, and electronic and mail communications.


In December we will be holding an election for the position of program co-chair of the NPFTIG, as Claire’s three-year term is coming to an end. Many thanks to Claire for her dedication and hard work to support NPFTIG’s presence at the past three conferences! We will be soliciting self-nominations in November. If you are interested in joining the NPFTIG leadership team and have questions, please let us know at the business meeting, at the social event, or by contacting Laura (lbeals@gmail.com).


We welcome questions and comments. Our contact information is below:

Business Co-chairs

Laura Beals: lbeals@gmail.com | @laurabeals

Karen Jackson: kltjackson@outlook.com

Program Co-chairs

Claire Sterling: claire.sterling@aspca.org

Molly Hamm: mollymhamm@gmail.com


Dean Nelson: den@pitt.edu