Welcome to website for the Social Work Topical Interest Group of the American Evaluation Association.
Greetings all!
We had a productive business meeting (at the 2013 conference)---20 of us in attendance.
Michaele Webb was elected our new program co-chair!
We have one person possibly interested in being our "webmaster,"
perhaps better called "social media coordinator." This is a job that
could really use the collaboration of several people, so if anyone else
is interested, please let me know! (kbolland@sw.ua.edu).
One of
the more exciting ideas we have is to have a week of AEA 365s during
Social Work month. We have more than enough volunteers for a week's
worth, but we really do not need to be limited to a week, so let me know
if you want to contribute.
We also talked about developing some
free slides for people to use to help explain how social workers do
evaluation, relationships between social work practice and evaluation,
and so on. Again, more ideas welcome!
More detail on these things will be provided in our next newsletter, but please don't wait to join the conversation!
-Kathy Bolland, TIG Co-Chair
Congratulations to Michaele Webb, our new program co-chair!
Have you always wanted to design a website? Does blogging or graphic design ring your bell? Would you like to get your hands on this site?? Email our current webmaster and volunteer! twharton@umich.edu
CHECK OUT THE "MEET THE MEMBERS" PAGE (via page tab at the top)!
*Take a minute to brag about yourself and colleagues!
We have over 285 members in this TIG, and we know you don't like to brag, but please send us info about your publications, presentations, awards and honors, or great stories that you'd like to share! Send these to Tracy Wharton at twharton@umich.edu, and we'll get them posted.
Dear Social Work TIG Members,
As the NASW says: “Social workers touch lives.” According to the Census Bureau and US Postal Service researchers, there are between 600,000 and 800,000 social workers in practice across our nation. It is very likely that every American will be touched by our work somehow during the course of their lives, whether it’s at a hospital discharge, through school guidance, involvement with our protection or advocacy duties, or through our research and teaching. We are a broad profession with a common set of ethics and values, grounded in empowerment and social justice for marginalized populations.
Ours is an applied profession, and our evaluations, though they run the gamut of topics, are imbued with our values, as Social Workers and as Evaluators. How do we decide whose interests are the most important in our evaluations? What responsibilities do we have to give voice to underrepresented populations, and to those who cannot speak for themselves? What is our responsibility to evaluate our programs for efficacy, effectiveness, and equity? Who decides which stakeholders’ contributions are valued?
Let’s take an opportunity to share with our colleagues that this is an area where Social Work is not only knowledgeable, but deeply relevant, and that our profession represents a cornerstone in the upholding of our societal values and responsibilities to our citizens.
We wish you all a bountiful year, filled with opportunity, and look forward to seeing you all at the Annual Conference in October!