This is a free e-book, available on ISSUU. It makes available for practice the most important lessons from the evaluation of eight 'lobbying and advocacy' programs carried out over the past five years by alliances of civil society organisations working in international development. The e-book...
AEA conference presentation framing roundtable discussion, drawing upon key lessons from the field with accountability to communities. Presenters included Kristin Helz with American Red Cross, Mununuri Musori with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and...
AtC AEA Presentation 13Nov2015.pdf
Presentation slides from multipaper session #1689 by Rebecca Herrington (SFCG) and Bosun Jang (UNICEF) at the 2015 Conference on 13 November 2015 @ 11:00 #2015Conference #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval
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CIFF seeks a researcher to conduct a learning review of a diarrhea treatment program that the Micronutrient Initiative and the Government of Bihar conducted from 2010-2015. Please see TOR and annexes for more information. Contact Ms. Shilpa Chawla ( with any questions. ...
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This PowerPoint presentation from the AEA 2014 conference in Denver on 17 October 2014 compares monitoring and evaluation of two health interventions going to scale in complex systems - one a public sector health system in Rwanda, the other a community-based system in Benin. Still a work-in...
AEA 2014 Presentation_Comparing ME SU in Comm vs Hlth Care Systems_17Oct_FINAL.pdf
We consider how incorporating gender considerations and various feminisms in evaluation work can inform all the steps in the project cycle going forward. In one example, we demonstrate how building a cultural model for evaluation of child literacy programs in developing country settings, such as...
Gender and Feminist Lens(es) in Evaluation FINAL.pptx
Women, particularly in developing countries, are often poorly integrated into the technology sector. Training may be an effective means for increasing prospects for employment. Can technical training targeted to women be successful without addressing gender-based supply chain segmentation and...
AEA Final-Grameen Shakti Study 2014 10 17.ppt
The goal of USAID's Global Climate Change evaluation agenda is to seek answers to overarching evaluation questions to provide a reliable evidence base for future climate change-related development investments. An Agency-wide agenda needs to be broad enough to cover a diverse suite of programs...
AEA Final-GCC Evaluation Agenda 2014 10 16.ppt
Remote work: What are best practices and great ideas to manage quality data collection from afar? Think Tank Session led by the Improve Group at AEA 2014 #EvaluationManagersandSupervisors #Cluster,Multi-SiteandMulti-LevelEval #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #2014Conference...
data collection from afar group notes.docx
This presentation details Save the Children's development of the International Early Development and Learning Assessment (IDELA). #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #2014Conference