The link below will bring you to the notes from the 2015 AEA think tank: Exploring the role of evaluation leaders in creating a diverse, inclusive and vibrant field of evaluation. Contributions from all think tank attendees are included. #DiversityandInclusion ...
PDFs of poster presentation and handout. ABSTRACT An overview of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD; Kretzmann & McKnight, 1993) is given, while emphasizing the role of children. The use of capacity inventories and its implementation to create asset maps is highlighted. In order to push...
2 attachments
Presentation at AEA 2013 - Multipaper Session 6; Session Title: Evaluation Design Considerations for Vulnerable Populations; Sponsored by the Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Populations; Wednesday, Oct 16, 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM #BroadeningParticipationResearch #2013Conference ...
2013-10-16_RDESP BPR AEA presentation FINAL.pdf
Ignite presentation on Special Olympics Healthy Communities from Evaluation 2013 #Ignite #HealthEvaluation #2013Conference #DisabilitiesandOtherVulnerablePopulations
AEA 2013 Healthy Communities Ignite_AmyShellard_FINAL.pptx
This PowerPoint was presented at the Evaluation 2013 conference on Saturday, October 19 at 9:50am. Although a deep body of literature exists on the design of web and phone surveys of the general population, few studies have examined the design of multi-mode surveys with individuals with...
Survey Accessibility_Evaluation 2013.pptx
Sensitivity is required when interviewing family members of hospice patients who have died. MassHealth, the Massachusetts Medicaid program, commissioned the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMass) to assess family satisfaction with its hospice benefit. The study effectively identified...
A roundtable presentation from the October 2012 annual conference. Presentation Abstract: This study analyzed the results of quality of life surveys that were conducted with Money Follows the Person (MFP) program participants prior to transition from a nursing home or intermediate care...
MFP Roundtable Presentation AEA 10.2012.pdf
This paper explores the creation of a set of common indicators to measure a set of National Science Foundation (NSF) alliance programs. It draws from indicator frameworks developed for Broadening Participation and for Informal Science Education and initiates a conversation on reporting similar...
Evaluating Alliance Programs.pdf
Presentation Abstract: In October 2010, the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) awarded 27 institutes of higher education (IHE) grants to fund the creation of model Transition Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSIDs). The 27 TPSID grantees will create or expand programs...
A Practical Guide for Engaging Stakeholders in Developing Evaluation Questions by Dr. Hallie Preskill and Nathalie Jones, published in 2009 by FSG, provides the context for this demonstration. This how-to guide is useful for engaging all types of stakeholders more effectively in the evaluation...
Engaging Stakeholders.pdf