What does Return on Investment (ROI) analysis really mean and how do we create one? ROI is a term used to describe a variety of different analysis methods, each unique to the program being evaluated. However, at its core, ROI is a financial metric used to indicate the value of the services a...
ROI Analysis_AEA 2016_TPMA.pdf
Slides and handout from 2015 AEA presentation #highereducation #CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics #2015Conference #cost
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CIFF seeks a researcher to conduct a learning review of a diarrhea treatment program that the Micronutrient Initiative and the Government of Bihar conducted from 2010-2015. Please see TOR and annexes for more information. Contact Ms. Shilpa Chawla (schawla@ciff.org) with any questions. ...
3 attachments
Think tank that discussed good as well as bad reasons that some evaluations exclude and others include costs. We had a lot of fun. #eval14 #HowTo #CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics #2014Conference
think tank handout.pdf
A forum for members to ask questions such as those in the title to the present and past Treasurer. #CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics #Treasurerquestions #2014Conference
birds of a feather handout.pdf
1. Our Power-point presentation 2. Our working paper #2014Conference #CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics
AEA Conference Presentation.ppt
The report by Idaho’s legislative Office of Performance Evaluations (OPE) helps policymakers to navigate through complex tax policy issues by asking the right kinds of questions early in the legislative process and to more thoroughly understand how nontax factors play a part in forging...
2013 Treasurer's Report to AEA Business meeting #2013BusinessMeeting #AEAHistory #TreasurersReport #CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics #TreasurerReport #2013Conference
2013 Treasurer's Report to Business Meeting g.pdf
slides for my presentation at AEA 2013. - Brian Yates #costcostbenefitcosteffectivenessTreasurer #2013Conference #CostsEffectivenessBenefitsandEconomics
Decision makers often want evaluators to assess the economic impact of their science and technology research grants programs. Ultimately, they want to know which type of funding mechanism provides the best value for money. There are different approaches evaluators can use to assess economic...
AEA 2012 - EIA and PBCA (final).pdf